Quantum software stack

Quantum Software Stack

The quantum software stack is a bundle of tools and emulators from multiple quantum computing vendors which allow to get started with writing quantum software in preparation of the arrival of quantum hardware at TGCC. This software stack is currently provided as a container image called ccc-quantum which can be started on a login or compute node with the following command: pcocc-rs run ccc-quantum

We currently provide 3 main programming environments

  • MyQLM / QLMaaS: A quantum software stack for writing, simulating, optimizing and executing quantum programs
  • Perceval: An open source framework for programming photonic quantum computers
  • Pulser: Libraries to simulate pulse sequences acting on programmable arrays of neutral atoms

Using MyQLM and QLMaaS

Learning how to use MyQLM is best achieved using the Jupyter notebooks provided for training. To launch these notebooks, first allocate a remote desktop environment on a visualization node using ccc_visu. To access the cluster, please refer to the Interactive access section. For example:

$ ccc_visu virtual -p partition

Once logged in to the remote desktop environment, launch a terminal and start the container:

$ pcocc-rs run ccc-quantum

Within the container, copy the training notebooks to your home directory, for example:

$ cp -r /opt/tutorials/myqlm $HOME/myqlm_notebooks

Launch jupyter (a firefox window will open):

$ cd $HOME/myqlm_notebooks
$ jupyter notebook

Once you are comfortable with writing software using MyQLM, you can submit your quantum jobs to a QLM machine instead of running them locally. The QLM hardware is optimized for running programs with a large number of qbits. Example programs are provided in the official QLM documentation. The connection settings has to be skipped as the configuration is already done in the ccc-quantum container.