

The Gnuplot homepage provides links to all the documentation most users will need.

You can use gnuplot from a Remote Desktop System session or from a compute node (please avoid login nodes)

To start gnuplot from a Remote Desktop System session:

  • Start your Remote Desktop System session
  • Open a terminal
module load gnuplot

To start gnuplot from a compute node:

  • Log into the login node, with X redirection (ssh -X login@login-node).
  • Load the appropriate module:
module load gnuplot
  • Start an interactive session from a compute node with X11 export and launch gnuplot:
ccc_mprun -Xfirst -T3600 -p <partition> -A <project> -s
  • An example of gnuplot prompt:
$ gnuplot

    G N U P L O T
    Version x.y patchlevel z    last modified 2020-12-01

    Copyright (C) 1986-1993, 1998, 2004, 2007-2020
    Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others

    gnuplot home:
    faq, bugs, etc:   type "help FAQ"
    immediate help:   type "help"  (plot window: hit 'h')

Terminal type is now 'unknown'
Example of Gnuplot output (display)

Example of Gnuplot output (display)

  • If your gnuplot session is ressource intensive, you may add the -x option to ensure the node is allocated to you only.


You can use xmgrace from a Remote Desktop System session or from a compute node (please avoid login nodes)

To start xmgrace from a Remote Desktop System session:

  • Start your Remote Desktop System session
  • Open a terminal
module load grace

To start xmgrace from a compute node:

  • Log into the login node, with X redirection and thrusted X11 forwarding
ssh -Y login@login-node
  • Find xmgrace:
module load grace
  • Start xmgrace from an exclusive compute node:
ccc_mprun -Xfirst -x -Q normal -p <partition> xmgrace -A <project>
Example of xmgrace output

Example of xmgrace output

The program xmgrace calls firefox to display its help contents that are available as HTML. Since all nodes don’t have browsers, you may see:


You can use Tecplot from a Remote Desktop System session or from a compute node (please avoid login nodes)

To start tecplot from a Remote Desktop System session:

  • Start your Remote Desktop System session
  • Open a terminal
module load tecplot

To start Tecplot from a compute node:

  • Log into the login node, with X redirection (ssh -X login@login-node).
  • Find tecplot:
module load tecplot
  • Start Tecplot from an exclusive compute node:
ccc_mprun -Xfirst -x -Q normal -p <partition> -A <project> tec360

Tecplot calls firefox to display its help contents that are available as HTML. Since not all node have firefox, you may be interested in the following:


The tool can be launched from a Remote Desktop System session (highly recommended) or from a compute node. Please avoid login nodes!

From a Remote Desktop System session:

  • Start your Remote Desktop System session
  • Open a terminal
module load ensight

From a compute node:

  • Connect to the supercomputer with trusted X11 forwarding
ssh -XY <login>@<machine>
  • Load ensight
module load ensight
  • Start the tool from a compute node:
ccc_mprun -Xfirst -p <partition> -T3600 -A <project> ensight101
Example of ensight output

Example of ensight output


Interactive mode

You can use Visit from a Remote Desktop System session or from a compute node (please avoid login nodes)

To start Visit from a Remote Desktop System session:

  • Start your Remote Desktop System session
  • Open a terminal
module load visit

To start Visit from a compute node:

  • Connect to the supercomputer with trusted X11 forwarding
ssh -XY <login>@<machine>
  • Load visit
module load visit
  • Start Visit from a compute node:
ccc_mprun -Xfirst -p <partition> -T3600 -A <project> visit -noconfig
Example of visit output

Example of visit output


Interactive mode

You can use Paraview from a Remote Desktop System Session or from a compute node (please avoid login nodes)

To start Paraview from a Remote Desktop System session:

  • Start your Remote Desktop System session
  • Open a terminal
module load paraview

To start Paraview on a compute node:

  • Log into the login node, with X redirection and thrusted X11 forwarding
ssh -XY login@login-node
  • Find Paraview:
module load paraview
  • Start Paraview from an exclusive compute node:
ccc_mprun -Xfirst -x -Q normal -p <partition> -A <project> paraview

Using Python with Paraview

You can use Python with Paraview by using the command pvpython. This allows you to load the python module paraview.

However to load other modules available in the Python distribution, you will need to load the main Python module. This will link all available modules in the main Python distribution to the pvpython.


Each Paraview version is linkable to a single Python version. If pvpython is based on Python 3.8 you will need to load the same version using the Python module.

To know which version of Python to load you can use the command below (once Paraview is loaded):

pvpython -c 'import sys;print(str(sys.version_info.major) + "." + str(sys.version_info.minor))'