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November 21, 2022

Gordon Bell 2022 prize for CEA in high-performance computing

The team led by Luca Fedeli and Henri VINCENTI from the CEA, bringing together the Berkeley Lab, RIKEN-RCCS, Atos, Arm, ENSTA Paris and GENCI, has just won the Gordon Bell 2022 prize, the most prestigious in the field of high-performance computing. The announcement was made during SuperCompunting in Dallas.

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September 15, 2022
The Minister of the Armed Forces inaugurates EXA1 supercomputer September 15, 2022

On September 13, 2022, Mr Sébastien Lecornu, Minister of the Armed Forces, inaugurated EXA1 supercomputer at the CEA DAM/Île-de-France center, in the presence of the CEA's general administrator, François Jacq and the Director of military applications, Vincenzo Salvetti.


Inauguration of the EXA1 supercomputer.
In the presence of Sébastien Lecornu, Minister of the Armed Forces, François Jacq, General Administrator of the CEA, Emmanuel Chiva, General Delegate for Armaments, Vincenzo Salvetti, Director of Military Applications of the CEA. © CEA/DAM

May 2022
Supercomputer saga

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In french

January 2022 Edition
Grands challenges Joliot-Curie

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