

Start date Stop date
12 2021  
Machine Bull Sequana X1000

  • SKL Irene (Skylake):
    • 1 656 Intel Xeon 8168 (SKL) bi-processors nodes - 2.7 GHz,  24 cores/proc -
      79 488 compute cores for 6.86 Pflop/s peak power,
    • 192 GB of DDR4 memory / node,
    • InfiniBand EDR interconnect.
  • KNL Irene (Knight Landing):
    • 828 many cores Intel Xeon Phi 7250 (KNL) nodes - 1.4 GHz, 68 cores/proc -
      56 304 compute cores for 2.52 petaflop/s peak power,
    • 96 GB DDR4 memory/node + 16 GB MCDRAM memory/node,
    • Bull eXascale Interconnect (BXI).

    Access to 500 GB/s Lustre Multilayer parallel file system.  

    An extension of Joliot-Curie will be installed at the end of 2019, it is composed of the following partitions:

  • Irene ROMEDARI access in March 2020

    • 2292 AMD Rome (Epyc) 2.6GHz bi-processor compute nodes, 64 cores/proc -
      293,376 compute cores for 11.75 PFlop/s peak power,
    • 256 GB of DDR4 memory / node,
    • InfiniBand HDR100 interconnect.
  • Irene V100 (Data Processing / IA Partition) - DARI access in November 2020

    • 32 hybrid nodes with 2 cores Intel CascadeLake 20 cores 2.1 GHz and 4 GPU nVIDIA V100, for a total of 128 GPU, 1.13 PFlop/s peak power.

    An exploratory partition based on ARM processors will be installed end 2020.


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