
ATOS - Bull

Mise en Service Date d'arrêt
06 2016  
  • 39 816 Intel® Xeon® Broadwell compute and processing cores, clocked at 2.4 Ghz

    • 28 cores / node
    • 128 Go memory / node

    10 080 Intel® Xeon® Skylake compute and processing cores, clocked at 2.4 Ghz

    • 40 cores / node
    • 192 Go memory / node

    4 large memory nodes at 3 TB / node for France Génomique

    18 hybrid nodes (Intel Broadwell - GPU Nvidia Pascal)

    3 deep learning nodes (Intel Skylake - GPU Nvidia Volta)

  • 2.5 PFlops at Linpack
Interconnection Network
  • EDR Interconnection Network
  • Optimized HPC software platform bullx supercomputer suite
  • Lustre® opensource file system
  • Intel Parallel Studio XE : :
      - BLAS and LAPACK in Intel MKL,
      - ScalaPACK and BLACS in Intel MKL,
      - GNU Compiler Collection version 4 in RHEL7,
      - Processor-optimized C / C ++ / Fortran compilers
      in the corresponding Intel products
  • bullxprof : profiling tool providing a first level analysis of the behavior of an application.
  • PAPI : "Performance API" library allows access to event counters managed by hardware components from higher level applications.
  • Allinéa and Totalview DDT Debugger
  • MPI libraries: OpenMPI 1.8.x supporting the MPI3 standard
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